wind up

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


wind up

  1. päätyä, joutua, kiristää, kiinnittää, napittaa, vetää, hämmentää, järkyttää, herättää, kiihottaa, kiihdyttää, sytyttää, innostaa, herättää uteliaisuus, houkutella, viekoitella, vietellä, kääntyä, toimia, lähteä liikkeelle.

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innostaa (alternative form of)
puhekieltä To wind completely.

I wound up the spool of rope.

To end up; to arrive or result.

I followed the signs, and I wound up getting nowhere.

To conclude, complete, or finish.

Even though he had bad news, he tried to wind up his speech on a positive note.

To tighten by winding or twisting.

Your pocket watch will run for a long time if you wind up the spring all the way.

To put (a clock, a watch, etc.) in a state of renewed or continued motion, by winding the spring, or that which carries the weight.
1922, (w), (w)
Their feet padded softly on the ground, and they crept quite close to him, twitching their noses, while the Rabbit stared hard to see which side the clockwork stuck out, for he knew that people who jump generally have something to wind them up. But he couldn't see it. They were evidently a new kind of rabbit altogether.
To excite.

Try not to wind up the kids too much right before bedtime.

puhekieltä To play a prank, to take the mickey or mock.

Twenty quid? Are you winding me up?

To dissolve a partnership or corporation and liquidate its assets.
puhekieltä To make the preparatory movements for a certain kind of pitch.


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make-up, pick-up, cup, maailmancup, ketchup, gallup, puhelingallup, katugallup

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